Stärke Dein Immunsystem!

Sämtliche unserer Produkte werden aus veganen, pflanzlichen Inhaltsstoffen hergestellt.
Alle sind in einmaligen Teilen der Welt (blue zones) gewachsen.
Entfernt von den grossen Industriegebieten und weit weg vom übermässigen Einsatz von Pestiziden.


Epigenetic Influences and Disease

The external environment's effects upon genes can influence disease, and some of these effects can be inherited in humans. Studies investigating how environmental factors impact the genetics of an individual's offspring are difficult to design.

Association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and all cause mortality: SUN prospective cohort study | The BMJ

A higher consumption of ultra-processed foods (>4 servings daily) was independently associated with a 62% relatively increased hazard for all cause mortality. For each additional serving of ultra-processed food, all cause mortality increased by 18%.

Association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and all cause mortality: SUN prospective cohort study | The BMJ

Dawn-to-sunset fasting suggests potential new treatment for obesity-related conditions: Study of 30-day Ramadan fast shows promising implications for timing and duration between meals — ScienceDaily

Fasting from dawn to sunset for 30 days increased levels of proteins that play a crucial role in improving insulin resistance and protecting against the risks from a high-fat, high-sugar diet, according to research presented at Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2019. The study, which was based on the fasting practices of Ramadan, a spiritual practice for Muslims, offers a potential new treatment approach for obesity-related conditions, including diabetes, metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Dawn-to-sunset fasting suggests potential new treatment for obesity-related conditions: Study of 30-day Ramadan fast shows promising implications for timing and duration between meals — ScienceDaily

‚Longevity gene‘ responsible for more efficient DNA repair — ScienceDaily

the gene sirtuin 6 (SIRT6) is responsible for more efficient DNA repair in species with longer lifespans. The research illuminates new targets for anti-aging interventions and could help prevent age-related diseases.

‚Longevity gene‘ responsible for more efficient DNA repair — ScienceDaily

Healthy diet linked to healthy cellular aging in women — ScienceDaily

Eating a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and low in added sugar, sodium and processed meats could help promote healthy cellular aging in women, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Healthy diet linked to healthy cellular aging in women — ScienceDaily

Offspring of older mothers are more responsive to aging interventions — ScienceDaily

In the offspring born from older mothers, the decreased lifespan seemed to be due to an earlier onset of aging. This early onset was delayed when those offspring were subject to caloric restriction.

Offspring of older mothers are more responsive to aging interventions — ScienceDaily

Move to ‘planetary health diet’ is necessary, says EAT-Lancet Commission report

Transformation of the global food system is urgently needed as more than 3 billion people are under- or overnourished, and food production is exceeding planetary boundaries – driving climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. To meet this challenge, dietary changes must be combined with improved food production and reduced food waste. Moving to this new dietary pattern will require global consumption of foods such as red meat and sugar to decrease by about 50%, while consumption of nuts, fruits, vegetables, and legumes must double.

Move to ‘planetary health diet’ is necessary, says EAT-Lancet Commission report